Brought to you by Star Buds and Colorado Department of Transportation
At Star Buds, we care about our customers and our communities, which is why we’re working with the Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) on educating cannabis users about the laws and dangers of driving high.
Know the facts so you don’t get burned:
Any level of impairment puts you at risk for a DUI.
Just like a DUI with alcohol, driving while high can lead to jail time and can cost you a lot of money.
Driving while high is illegal even if you use cannabis for health reasons.
Cannabis affects your reaction time, attentiveness, peripheral vision and ability to multitask. Even if you feel OK to drive, please don’t. It’s dangerous, and you could still get a DUI. It’s not worth it.

Driving high is dangerous Driving high is illegal If you’re high, get a ride
Use Lyft, Uber, buses, rail service, a taxi or your sober friend.
Join the 3:20 Movement: Plan ahead, get a ride.
Check out CDOT’s FAQs about driving under the influence of cannabis and what can happen if you do.
What will happen if I get caught driving high?
Any level of impairment puts you at risk for a DUI. Just like a DUI with alcohol, driving while high can lead to jail time and can cost you more than $13,500. If you’re driving high with a child in the car, you can be charged with child abuse. Plan ahead and find a different ride if you’re consuming any cannabis product — it’s really not worth the risk.
How can law enforcement tell if I’m driving under the influence of cannabis?
Colorado law enforcement officers are trained to detect impairment from any kind of drug. From 2012 to 2014, there was a 68 percent increase in the number of Drug Recognition Experts trained in Colorado. Even if you think you’re OK to drive, you are still at risk for getting a DUI if you’ve consumed cannabis.
What’s the danger in driving high?
Consuming cannabis affects your reaction time, attentiveness, peripheral vision and ability to multitask — some of the most important skills needed to drive safely. When you’re high, you’re not able to respond as effectively when unexpected things occur — like if the car in front of you stops quickly or a pedestrian steps out in front of you.
Can I drive if I use cannabis for medical reasons?
No. It’s still illegal to drive after consuming cannabis even if you have a prescription and are using it for health reasons.
Is it legal to have cannabis in my car while I’m driving even if I’m not high?
You can’t have any cannabis product in the passenger area of a vehicle if it is in an open container, container with a broken seal or if there is evidence that it has been consumed. CDOT suggests that the best place to put it is in the trunk, or behind the last upright seat in the vehicle if you don’t have a trunk. Glove compartments are considered to be in the passenger area, so don’t keep it there. It’s also worth noting that it’s illegal for any passengers to consume cannabis while you’re driving because the open container law applies to them too.
How do I report someone I suspect is driving high?
You can report impaired drivers by dialing *CSP (*277)
*All information on this webpage provided by the Colorado Department of Transportation.